“I have only connected with Leisha twice and already she has helped end 4 years of overwhelming feelings of stress, depression and confusion, which I may add numerous doctors have only tried to bandage with medication. I continue to move through a dynamic shift of self-awareness, clarity and self-confidence due to the nature of her powerful and profound healing abilities and techniques.
Since speaking with Leisha I have found a part time job, something which I have not been able to bring into my life for the last few years. There are no coincidences in life and I assure you that you will be in very experienced, loving and insightful hands if you choose to connect with Leisha. Leisha will change your life and reality.”

I've been working one on one with Leisha for over a year now and I am so grateful to her for the changes and progression I have seen in my life. Just to mention a few specific things...I have let go of a 14 year old eating disorder, I have been able to overcome stage fright and am now living my dream as a professional singer and while those are quite significant changes the support and clarity I have received on smaller everyday issues including relationships has been amazing. Most of the work I have done has been about recognising and clearing my limiting subconscious beliefs. I have enjoyed every aspect of working with Leisha. I look forward to continuing getting to know myself even more and inevitably inviting more harmony, charity, success and peace into my life through our work.
Lindsey Ranci

Leisha’s intuitive coaching has been without a doubt the most influential constant in my life. Working in the spiritual arena myself I’ve come across a variety of practitioners but I continue to come back to Leisha time and time again. I’ve had several transformational shifts as a result of working with Leisha including health improvements, mental/emotional revelations, expansion in my own business and romantic healing. I have found her ability to check in with the energy body and locate hidden blocks astounding. The effects of her sessions have been immediate for me, with changes literally occurring the next day. Her professionalism, her accuracy, her attention to detail and dedication to her clients goes unparalleled. I’m continually blown away by her gift and am eternally grateful for all she has done for me.
Lucinda Chave

I have been on an active journey of self discovery for about 8 years now. Throughout the last five years, I have been fortunate enough to have discovered a guiding light on my journey in the form of Leisha Jarrett. Her natural talent combined with her ability to expand her knowledge seems to know no bounds. I have seen many 'healers' over the years in order to delve further into myself, clear blocks and remove obstacles and become the best person I can be, and I can honestly say that no-one's guidance and support has come close to what Leisha provides. Most importantly, in my experience it is rare to find someone in this kind of role who is also prepared to work on themselves and want to improve - this is one of Leisha's strongest mantra's, that she cannot support those to evolve, if she is not willing to evolve herself. Also, her ability to gently hold you in whatever space you find yourself in without judgement and the way she uses many different techniques to tailor the session directly to what you need are skills that anybody seeking help wants their support person to have. Sometimes the journey back to self can be challenging, but there is no-one that I would recommend above Leisha if you are looking for a coach with the skills and know-how that you can trust to get to where you want to be.
Abby Clemence

Leisha is a Pioneer in deep transformational work where she openly gives guidance, direction and empowerment to our greatest life challenges. Yet, I appreciate the way she allows us to come to our own decisions, to listen to our hearts, and to act courageously upon them. She has been instrumental in my activated awakening process. Always the wise counsel, willing and able to give advice, she has helped shape and transform my business and relationship reality, guiding me as I made sense of the illusions of life and freeing me to a wider expansion. Leisha has helped me make sense of the world as I began to explore higher dimensions and conscious evolving. As a result of our work together, manifestations and miracles have transpired that have brought about incredible change and growth in my life. Thank you Leisha, you are a Divine Angel and I am truly blessed to have worked with you.
Catherine Newton

I have been working with Leisha for nearly 2 years. In that time I have made amazing change in my personal life and my business. Leisha has helped clear the path so I can get on with living a life of ultimate potential… a life every human being deserves to live. To reach my divine path… what I’m truely suppose to do so I can grow and change and spread change and happiness to others. She has open my eyes to look at situations as a journey of the spirit not a negative cycle. I’m truely blessed to be working with such a gifted human being who is helping shift humanaity to a higher level of existence.
Jacquie Hudson

I can say hand on heart that every aspect of my life has changed but more importantly how I view myself and respond to the world has transformed on a fundamental level. When I first began working with Leisha I felt uncertain, would put nearly everyone else before me and be buffeted about by others energy or demands. The more Leisha and I have worked through core patterns and beliefs holding me back, the more amazed or delighted I have been at what we are uncovering. If someone had told me back in December 2013 of the journey we would take, who I would become and how my businesses would expand and reveal their potential to me, I doubt I would have believed them. It has not always been easy but with each session Leisha has guided me calmly and sometimes firmly to the next point of transformation. Every aspect of my life has expanded and we are now to the point where each session seems to bring exponential growth and success. I believe this is a reflection of my commitment to the path and Leisha’s commitment to ensuring we succeed. If you are considering joining Leisha in any aspect of her work, I invite you to jump in with both feet and 100% commitment. You will thank yourself for it in times to come.
Sonja Peterson

Leisha shares an invaluable gift with all her clients, piecing together the puzzles of their lives in the most professional and sensitive way possible. A truly miraculous experience that I gladly endorse. I would love everyone to experience her powerfully transformative healing through the loving support and insight Leisha's unique set of talents and skills provide.
Liz Luong

I was first drawn to connect with Leisha around July 2012, during a somewhat dark period I was going through in my life. I felt as though my internal lights had dimmed from the circumstances I had found myself in and was feeling the weight of depression closing around me. This is when I first made contact with Leisha. From our first session, Leisha provided a very nurturing and professional approach to her sessions, always willing to listen and offer support on any issue I brought forth. Through her guided approach during these tough times, Leisha's energetic and healing work has guided me back to an empowered and positive state of being. As I am quickly learning, spiritual evolution is a path of many challenges, her ability to decipher situations and offer understanding and insight has offered a a positive and light filled element to my journey.
Matt Jobber

If you are a heart-based entrepreneur and want to accelerate your business results, then your need to work with Leisha. Leisha’s ability to see what is keeping you stuck, help you move through the blocks and come from a place of being ‘in the flow’ is what brings true success in business while keeping your life balanced too. Work with Leisha and be an entrepreneur without the pushing and burnout!
Nicole Dennis

The work I have done with Leisha has provided me a powerful method of connecting with my business that was both easy and light while also being deeply profound and insightful. Leisha holds and incredible space that is clear and light. Her personal sharing was extremely supportive. All her sharing are worded with unconditional love while still inviting deeper exploration. I am now clearer, connected and grounded strongly moving forward with my Soul aligned intention. Her audio supports SOS and Clear Balance & Align were absolute life savers. They allowed me to re-connect to myself again and this connection to self remains stronger than ever.
Debra Carter

I cannot express my sincere gratitude for the many healings and support that Leisha has offered me and my family. Her Knowledge and understanding is out of this world. She makes it so easy to move through the limitations present in order to flow into much more harmony in life. Leisha's ability to read and tap into your energy is remarkable. You meet many people in life, occasionally you meet someone outstanding. Leisha is the one of those people who will and can support you to truly change your life/world for the better. Her tools and gifts are significant and she is able to offer deep understanding and new light to enter your world releasing many unhelpful energies. I can totally recommended Leisha for any healing work of the highest quality, her ability is extraordinary.
Rita Stewart

I can’t remember how I found Leisha’s details but I have been in contact with her since July 2012 and have had four or five consultations since then. Each consultation with Leisha has provided me with an incomparable level of support and relief. I have been through counselling and therapy as well as self support courses for many years now and nothing compares to a session with Leisha. The results are fast - immediate really and the layers come away as if by magic over the course of the weeks following a consultation. I am in a very different place now compared to two years ago thanks to the support and skill of Leisha. She is amazingly gifted at what she does and I have no hesitation in recommending her services to anyone that needs assistance in any area of their life. I will continue to book in with Leisha every now and then for as long as she is in practice. Thanks so much Leisha you are fantastic.
Monica Devine

Working with Leisha has enabled me to move forward in my personal and business life. Our sessions involve a gentle combination of verbal coaching and energy healing that has enabled me to work through emotional and energetic blocks, invisible road blocks if you will. Success is an inside job and when you don’t know what you don’t know, it can be very challenging to determine how, what and where to turn. Leisha has been a massive support to me in working on that invisible force that holds us back limiting our potential. If you’ve tried everything to move forward and have yet to move forward maybe it’s time to give Leisha a try.
Joanna Rusling

Leisha's work is the most in-depth work I've ever come across. I reached out to Leisha back in 2015 when I was going through a major life crisis. Her work guided me through this really dark time and helped me get a sense of what was unfolding at a time where life made no sense. Since then I have also done Leisha's business group program which has deeply transformed the way I see and do business. I began the business course 'kinda knowing' what I should do, to having a strong vision of what it is I desire to create. Now I have incredible tools I can use to take me in-depth and to guide me through my business journey as it unfolds. WOW! Leisha has helped me learn how to recenter myself, how to go through waves of personal transformation with less of the whole 'i'm freaking out and losing it' drama, to let go of the things that are not serving me quicker, and to learn to trust in the divine unfolding of my soul's journey without needing to control everything. Today I am stronger in my truth, the most clear I've ever been in my life and just as importantly, I am lighter and feel a sense of content within myself that I have not experienced before. Yet even after all this time, I continue to be amazed by the depth of her work. You'd have to do a session to even get a glimpse of what I am talking about and it may well be one of the best decisions you can make for yourself. Forever grateful.
Tiffany Chechillot
Web Designer. France

Since working with Leisha I have found my headspace and clarity around my vision and ability to implement and manifest changes in my business has been phenomenal. She has managed to assist me tremendously with moving beyond my logical brain and back into my creative brain allowing for massive room for growth.
Lorna Golombick

“Leisha is one of the best healers I know. The clarity of her intuitive guidance and the accuracy of her insight and support are remarkable and transformative. I am a healer myself and quite particular about who I consult when I need help. Leisha has always been able to help me turn the corner when I've found myself struggling to work through issues on my own. Leisha has helped me with my relationships, the flow of prosperity, spiritual openings and my feminine expression among many other things. She has supported me to experience amazing journeys where I have healed old wounds that I had no idea I was still holding onto. Sessions with Leisha always bring me a great deal of clarity, comfort and optimism. I recommend her wholeheartedly."
Aria Austin

Leisha has an incredible way of bringing you back to balance, even when you feel that everything around you is not as you expected, nor in some cases desired. She can see and feel exactly what is going on and it keeps you grounded and on track. Working through one of her programs gave me a tremendous opportunity to regroup and look at what I really wanted, where my true values were and how many things on the outside were holding me back. Her work is powerful and not for the faint hearted and there is no point having a pre conceived idea of what you want to achieve as your Soul may well have a different purpose but it will be awesome just the same..!!
Emma Driscoll